Thursday, December 23, 2010

office furniture purchasing market scale growth faster

office furniture manufacturerAccording to news reports in recent years, office furniture industry government purchasing market scale growth faster and faster.

Office furniture kind of project sourcing always all is the government procurement of a key and difficult.

Office furniture purchasing facing the problem of main raw materials are diverse, common standard, process complex comprehensible clouseau; etc. In government procurement activities process, also exist low-cost malignant competition, shoddy, lack of credibility, quality inspection, system slacker imperfect system, etc.

For good service government procurement and promote the healthy and orderly furniture industry competition and development, Chinese companies ranked network, China purchasing and tender nets of office furniture industry public bidding supplier has carried on the earnest, scientific, rigorous assessment, this will help build up office furniture industry, industry standards development for benchmarking play a positive role in promoting.

According to industry appraiser and purchasing opinion of owner, brands and quality as well as the installation and after-sale service of the bid-winning enterprises is important influence factors of success, but the price is not the decisive factor.

Monday, November 15, 2010














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Friday, November 12, 2010



为员工提供“积极心理”训练、员工食堂、健身设备和地掷球场地等;员工们可以根据自己的兴趣加入80个公司社团,如图书俱乐部。(Adobe:总部位于美国加州圣何塞的电脑软件公司。由乔恩·沃诺克和查理斯·格什克创建于1982年12月。20多年来,公司屡获殊容的软件和技术为人们随时随地都要进行的内容制作与交付设立了新的标准,进而对商务、娱乐和个人沟通进行了重新定义。从印刷品、视频和电影中的丰富图像到各种媒体的动态数字内容,Adobe 解决方案的影响力在业界是毋庸置疑的。Adobe是全球最大、最多元化的软件公司之一,以其卓越的品质享誉世界,旗下拥有众多深受广大客户信赖和认可的软件品牌。员工人数:8600人。)





据“幸福”专家Shawn Achor介绍,麻省理工学院的研究人员对IBM的员工进行了为期一年的调查,发现员工的社会地位越高,他们的表现就越好。为了提升员工的幸福感,IBM 专门启动了一项鼓励员工进行自我介绍的计划,(在该计划中)每封额外的联系Email将获得948美元的奖励。(IBM:1911年创立于美国,是全球最大的信息技术和业务解决方案公司,是一家拥有近40万员工、1000亿美元资产的大型企业,其2008年销售额超过1000亿美元,净利润为120多亿美元。它是世界上经营最好、管理最成功的公司之一。)




在纽约总部,员工们可以在户外漫步于阡陌交通、雕塑遍布的园区里,员工可以在园区里收拾自己的小花园,午休时也可以摆弄摆弄园艺。(百事公司:世界上最成功的消费品公司之一,在全球 200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,前身百事可乐公司创建于1898年,百事可乐公司于1965年与世界休闲食品最大的制造与销售商菲多利(Frito-lay)公司合并,组成了百事公司。)

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名为“西南航空小坚果”的火热博客为员工们融入公司的“多彩文化”提供了一个窗口,(西南航空股票代码:LUV),管理者试图将“欢乐西南”和“武士精神”等方式融入到公司文化中去。 (西南航空:总部位于达拉斯的美国航空公司,创建于1971年。在载客量上,它是世界第3大航空公司,在美国它的通航城市最多。与国内其他竞争对手相比它是以"打折航线"而闻名,从1973年开始它每年都赢利。)




瑞银有一个传统,每周五都会给员工提供啤酒来鼓舞大家的士气、放松身心,同时增近与同事之间的关系。研究表明,社会认同感的提升可以提高员工的生产力,并减低流动率。(瑞银集团:1998年由瑞士联合银行及瑞士银行集团合并而成。在50个国家共设有95个分行,全世界的雇员大约共有 49000名。是世界最大的资产管理企业,最大的投资担保银行,在私人服务方面也居于领先地位,为四百多万个人和企业提供服务。)


这家在网上售鞋公司的两个核心价值观是“创造乐趣以及一点点不可思议”和“建立积极的团队以及家庭精神”,在这个信念下,员工们快乐地投入到工作之中,并不断创新。公司领导者一直非常看重员工的满意度和幸福感。最近,在公司被出售给亚马逊时,CEO给每位员工派发了一个 Kindle阅读器和一份奖金。(Zappos:专注于鞋类的电子商务公司,1999年由华人谢家华创办,全球网上卖鞋的最大网站,员工人数 1600,2009年Amazon以9亿美金将其收购。)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

盘点2010 IT行业十大失意企业





入选理由:更换CEO对于智联招聘已经是家常便饭了,有媒体报道智联招聘先后有五位CEO登堂入室。今年智联招聘更是上演了让人啼笑皆非的一幕。公 司CEO(首席执行官)赵鹏向全体员工发邮件,宣布解除公司CTO(首席技术官)余用彤等四人的职务。随后,该公司董事会发邮件解雇CEO赵鹏以及高管雷 卫明、陈旭和倪阳平等四人,并恢复余用彤等人的职位。

三大运营商的半年财报中,唯独中国联通没有交出一个令人满意的成绩单。中国联通半年财报表明,其2010年上半年净利润为24亿元,与去年同期相比 下跌62.2%。营业利润和净利润同比均大幅下降超过六成,主要原因是中国联通花费了超过一半的移动业务收入来实施各种营销举措,其中就包括对 iPhone等设备的补贴。但是“热面孔贴个冷屁股” 苹果旗舰店大张旗鼓地出现,并且抛出更有价格优势的商品,这难免不影响到联通的销售业绩。



15 年前,方正成为国家重点支持的5家PC生产厂家之一。最风光时,方正是国内市场仅次于联想的第二大品牌。不过有人说,国内PC厂家除了联想之外,集体亏 损。想来方正的日子也不会怎么好过。不过,令人担心的是,PC业务在方正的总体格局中占比甚大,方正今后靠什么来翻身呢?


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Monday, October 18, 2010












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Thursday, October 7, 2010
















一晃就是8年,在这8年里他尝尽了人世间的悲欢离合。 有一天他下山,恰巧遇到了那姑娘的丫鬟,得知小姐在这8年里也一直等着他,因为日思夜想,长久下来得了相思病,茶饭不思。







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真是造物弄人,哎!世间情爱就是如此啊!爱到深处天地动。可是,书生决心修道得正果. 姑娘在冥界等了他九世,也没遇见他,终于她变成了一座石桥。





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Monday, August 30, 2010
















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Tuesday, July 27, 2010






年与时驰,意与岁去, 遂成枯落,多不接世。


















诸葛亮忠告孩子要计划人生,不要事事 讲求名利,才能够了解自己的志向,要静下来,才能够细心计划将来。






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心理学家说: 思想影响行为,行为影响习惯,习惯影响性格,性格影响命运。

诸葛亮明白生命 中要作出种种平衡,要「励精」,也要「冶性」。



诸葛亮忠告孩子时光飞逝,意志力又会随着时间消磨,「少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲」,「时间管理」是个现代人的观念,细心想一想, 时间不可以被管理,每天二十四小时,不多也不少,惟有管理自己,善用每分每秒。



诸葛亮忠告孩子时光 飞逝,当自己变得和世界脱节,才悲叹蹉跎岁月,也于事无补。





Wednesday, July 21, 2010




















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Thursday, June 24, 2010





















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这话听来匪夷所思,但心理学博士汪冰指出,通过技巧和方法,大下属和小上司完全能够达成良好互动。高情商的大下属不但有能力保持自己的话语权,甚至有间接 “领导”自己的上司的能力。前提是——认可共同的目标。



窍门是,接纳这件事,而不是接纳具体某个人。把注意力放在事上,就会发现,你不是老总,因 此总会有人当你上司。


不懂 接纳的人,会觉得80后毁了自己的全部!

消除防御 释放“安全信号”

下属对上司心怀敌意,上司就要就处处体现领导的权力和能量。双方都对对方充满警惕,根本无法良性沟通。因此,设法和小上司达成良性沟通,解除双方的防御是 第一步。


“赵赵,你当我们的领导了,太好了!这下我们可以把更多可操作的销售手段好好发挥一下了!”“赵赵,不要担心,我会把我的经验和你分享的,有什么难处大家 一起商量!”


间接参与管理 和小上司共赢


你需要灵感和新点子,他需要丰富的工作经验。当你以开放的心态去和小上司分享工作经验时,你们的合作会迸 发出强大的能量,小上司也会因此信任和依赖你。


甚至,不知不觉 间,你已经间接参与到企业管理中,用另一种方式扮演着上司的角色。


当你的帮助得到小上司的高度认可,并对你的意见高度尊重 时,你这个下属是不是已经在用积极的方式领导你的上司,一起共赢了呢?

专家解读:汪冰 北京大学医学学士 北京大学精神卫生博士


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上司摆谱 示威还是示弱?


她升职后变了,不再跟同事说笑,总板着脸,业余时 间跟同事故意疏远。同事很看不上她这一点:当了上司就摆谱?

专家解答:很多人都这样认为:摆谱实际就是耍威风呗!为什么耍威风?因为不自信,所以要装呗!没错,当了领导就摆谱,从内心根源上正是不自信的表现。但有 意思的是,如果问赵赵,她是故意摆谱吗?她一定回答:不是!


赵赵用距离、用尽 可能少的沟通回避被发现,最终表达方式变成了“摆谱”。作为80后,当赵赵从平级升到上级,其实并没准备好,她是恐惧和不自信的,她猜测周围的人对她有敌 意。



Tuesday, June 8, 2010








Monday, May 17, 2010

ups info ups wik,i什么是ups

UPS的中文意思为“不间断电源”,是英语“Uninterruptible Power Supply”的缩写,它可以保障计算机系统在UPS电源整体解决方案

An uninterruptible power supply, also uninterruptible power source, UPS or battery/flywheel backup, is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source, typically the utility mains, fails.

A UPS differs from an auxiliary or emergency power system or standby generator in that it will provide instantaneous or near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions by means of one or more attached batteries and associated electronic circuitry for low power users, and or by means of diesel generators and flywheels for high power users.

The on-battery runtime of most uninterruptible power sources is relatively short—5–15 minutes being typical for smaller units—but sufficient to allow time to bring an auxiliary power source on line, or to properly shut down the protected equipment.

While not limited to protecting any particular type of equipment, a UPS is typically used to protect computers, data centers, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment where an unexpected power disruption could cause injuries, fatalities, serious business disruption and/or data loss. UPS units range in size from units designed to protect a single computer without a video monitor (around 200 VA rating) to large units powering entire data centers, buildings, or even cities




Monday, April 26, 2010



本文由offshore company独家赞助播出,版权归virtual office所有. All rights Hong Kong company Reserved. 欢迎转载,转载请保存出处。

Thursday, April 15, 2010


英属维尔京群岛,英文名字称作:The British Virgin Islands。

英属维尔京群岛是离岸公司offshore company的热门注册地.





岛上生活的大多是原始土著居民,他们大多是加勒比地区的印第安人。 1493年哥伦布抵达该岛。1672年被英国兼并。1872年成为英国殖民地背风群岛的一部分,受背风群岛总督管辖至1960年。

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Clipx 是一个小巧的剪贴版管理器。




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Thursday, March 25, 2010

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 10

offshore company Tax

(1) Bermuda. In addition to Bermuda residents, it does not tax foreign companies or their shareholders. Overseas companies can apply to the Ministry of Finance and is likely to be from the Bermuda Ministry of Finance commitments, which can be clearly even if the Bermuda legislature in the future according to the provisions of profits or income, or on assets, gains or value-added tax calculations, or to the Housing the nature of real estate or inheritance tax, then in March 2016 before the tax does not apply to overseas companies and their business activities, does not apply to the company's stock, credit debt and other debt. Such tax only applies to the original residing in Bermuda, virtual office holds the hands of the company's stock, credit debt or other debt of the residents or the land lease or transfer to the company population.

(2) British Virgin Islands international business company or does not live in the British Virgin Islands offshore company shareholder taxation. British Virgin Islands government for the future there is no taxation without guarantees and assurances.

(3), the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands does not tax overseas company and its shareholders. Overseas companies are entitled from the Cayman Islands Government Office, be assured, the Cayman Islands on profits, income, income, value-added tax legislation, as well as real estate and estate tax legislation will not apply to overseas companies, does not apply to of its shares, it can not be levied withholding.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 9

offshore company share capital

(1) Bermuda at least 12,000 U.S. dollars the company's issued share capital payment. Does not allow no-par value bearer shares and stocks. The full price of the stock may be issued or zero price difference distribution issue.

(2) British Virgin Islands there is no minimum nominal share capital or issue equity capital. International Business Companies must be Limited, can virtual office issue bearer or bearer shares, regardless of whether the face value of the stock. The full price of the stock to be issued, but also can determine their commitment to promissory notes or other debt issued in writing.

(3), the Cayman Islands. There is no minimum nominal share capital or issue equity capital. Company should pay the government an annual fee based on its nominal share capital (up to 50,000 U.S. dollars) to pay. Allow bearer shares with no par value shares; can be full price issue, post issue or zero price distribution.

Offshore company's annual expenses and income

(1) Bermuda. Off the coast of the company should be established and after a year in January to pay (if set up in August 31 then the annual cost after the half). Charges based on the number of nominal share capital and share premium issued the number of terms, at least 1, 780 U.S. dollars, up to 27,825 U.S. dollars. Companies are required to report annual income returns, lists the company's main business (according to the classification provisions), as of August 31 detailing the previous year's estimated capital companies.

(2) British Virgin Islands called on the international business company from its inception in the year May 31 or November 30 (depending on date of establishment in the first half or second half of the decision) to the British Virgin Islands Registrar of Companies pay a fee , sliding fee based on equity capital derived: a. equity capital is equal to or less than 50,000 dollars, to pay 300 U.S. dollars. b. equity capital is greater than 50,000 dollars, to pay 1,000 U.S. dollars. c. need to complete the annual income declaration form.

(3), the Cayman Islands. Require the establishment of overseas companies and the subsequent payment of a fee each year in January. Contributions Standard According to the company type and the number of equity capital may be calculated. January each year, overseas companies must fill in income declaration form. In addition, foreign companies need to confirm the outline of his company have not changed, the company main business is conducted outside in the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands, at least once within the Board of Directors.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 8

offshore company shareholders

(1) Bermuda. Foreign companies must be held each calendar year, shareholders. Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, the shareholders attending the General Assembly, only one person can be held valid. Annual General Meeting or special meetings of the notification should be at least five days before the service at the beginning of the session, less than 5 days notice should be given the approval of shareholders. Articles of Association may provide for a longer period of notice. Holding not less than 10% of the paid equity capital of the request of shareholders, directors shall preside over the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting. General meeting of shareholders can not be held in Bermuda.

(2) British Virgin Islands. International Business Companies do not hold annual general meeting of shareholders. General meeting of shareholders minimum period of seven days virtual office notice. Company outline, or charter may provide for a longer period of notice. According to a 50% (the company charter may provide an outline, or a lower ratio) more of the voting power of the written request of shareholders, directors shall preside over the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting. General meeting of shareholders can not be held British Virgin Islands.

(3) of the Cayman Islands do not have to be held by overseas companies annual general meeting of shareholders. Unless a company outline and the statutes provide otherwise, shareholders of the General Assembly to inform the shortest period of five days, the shareholders of the General Assembly may be convened by the three shareholders. General meeting of shareholders held in the Cayman Islands can not.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 7

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 7

The directors and senior management personnel and compensation exemption

(1) Bermuda. According to the Bermuda Companies Act, articles of association or the senior management of the Company and any agreement or arrangement reached between the compensation for corporate officers may be waived, or due to negligence, fault, breach of contract or breach of fiduciary responsibility or liability arising from the loss. But does not include fraud and infidelity.

(2) British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Companies Law provides that directors and senior management staff can not be exempt according to the company outline, or charter, management, business arising from personal responsibility. However, if they are the best interests of the company's good faith in order to work, the company can compensate the losses they have suffered. Involved in criminal proceedings as a director or senior management there was no reasonable virtual office cause to believe their behavior is illegal, then the company can compensate them.

(3), the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands Companies Law does not limit the company's charter to the company's senior management officers and directors of the compensation level. The only exception is provided by the Cayman Islands court ruled that whether the provision of certain damages contrary to public policy (such as compensation for a crime, infidelity, malicious negligence or fault caused by the loss).

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 6

offshore company board meetings

(1) Bermuda. Board meetings do not have to be held in Bermuda. Articles of association usually provide that the directors may, when it deems appropriate in its trading and management meetings. Board meeting notice must be sent to all the directors. Board meeting, two directors to the can only be effective.

(2) British Virgin Islands do not have to board meeting was held in the British Virgin Islands. Each board meeting the directors must be received before the start of three days notice of meeting. Quorum for a meeting of directors by the Company or the regulations of the outline. Directors may virtual office also be based on the written consent of the majority of the directors to take action.

(3), the Cayman Islands. Board meeting of each calendar year must be in the Cayman Islands, be held. To participate in board meetings can be an agent. Notices of meetings subject to the provisions of the articles of incorporation to send. Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, board meeting or their respective meetings of the Committee is only one case of the directors present may also be held valid.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 5

offshore company shareholders and shareholder register

(1) Bermuda. Foreign companies have at least one shareholder. Can have on behalf of the shareholders (Nominee Shareholders). All shareholders of foreign companies must be registered in the register of shareholders. Register must be saved in the company's registered address a public inspection (except for mutual fund companies).

(2) British Virgin Islands international business company should have at least one shareholder. Can have the name of the shareholders. International Business virtual office Companies must set up the register of shareholders. In the company's registered address should be stored in a register of shareholders, but are not available for public inspection, unless the shareholder register has been submitted to the British Virgin Islands Companies Registry.

(3), the Cayman Islands. Foreign companies have at least one shareholder can have the name of the shareholders. Overseas companies the names of all shareholders must be recorded in the register of shareholders. Register of shareholders do not have to save the company registered address, and need for public inspection.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 4

offshore company Directors, senior management and representatives of

(1) Bermuda. Abroad shall not be less than two directors of the company. The company may appoint (a) two directors, or (b) a secretary and a director, or (c) a secretary and a Permanent Representative, they must be permanent in the Bermuda individuals. Listed companies only need to appoint a Permanent Representative. Does not allow legal director of the virtual office Company. Foreign companies must also appoint a president and a vice president, or the appointment of a chairman and a vice chairman.

(2) British Virgin Islands international business company must have at least one director. Directors may not be residents of the British Virgin Islands. Allow corporate director of the Company. Did not appoint a senior management explicitly required. International Business Companies must have a Chartered agency.

(3) of the Cayman Islands should be at least one director of overseas companies. Directors may not be residents of the Cayman Islands. Allow corporate director of the Company. Overseas companies are required by statute with the appropriate senior management.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 3

offshore company organize your files

(1) Bermuda. Of overseas companies including the company's organizational document outlines and articles of association (Bylaws). Outline the provisions of the company's business scope of foreign terms and power. Companies generally use the Bermuda Companies Act contained in Article II of the standard operating range. Unless expressly excluded, otherwise the Bermuda Companies Act will also use the standards contained in Article I powers. The company required to virtual office submit the outline prepared by Companies Registry for public inspection. Corporate charter of the company and shareholders and senior managers between the rights and obligations, not submitted to the Companies Registry, the public can not access.

(2) British Virgin Islands international business company's organizational documents including the outline and the company's charter. Commitments need to include the company name, registered address, registered name and address of the agency, company objectives, capital structure and other details. In addition, the company will need to submit a not engage in the British Virgin Islands Company Law 5 (1) of the activities listed in the statement (other than to obtain special permission). To the Registrar of Companies to submit the outline of registration must also submit the articles of incorporation, both of which are available for public inspection.

(3), the Cayman Islands. The company's organizational documents including the outline and the company's charter. Outline must specify the company name and registered address, but also may include the company's business scope. Unless there is a clear outline restrictions on overseas companies can exercise all the powers of a natural person can exercise. If not registered with the Registrar of Companies articles of association, the Cayman Islands Companies Law applicable to Form A, requirements. Corporate charter of the company and shareholders and senior managers between the rights and obligations. Incorporation generally not available for public inspection.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 2

offshore company to set up the procedures

(1) Bermuda. Bermuda Monetary Authority is required to submit an application form and related information on overseas companies to obtain approval. Company outline should be submitted to the Registrar of Companies (Registrar) register. The Companies Registry is responsible for issuing proof of the company was established. Companies to set up procedures may generally be completed within a day or two.

(2) British Virgin Islands Registrar of Companies are required to submit articles of association (Articles) and outline, but also to submit a deal with the company responsible for matters relating to the establishment of a lawyer or the company registration certificate issued by the agency to confirm the formation of the company's full in line with the British Virgin Islands company law requirements. Companies to set up procedures may generally be completed within 24 hours.

(3), the Cayman Islands. The Registrar of Companies in general are virtual office required to submit two companies signed the outline. Intended to serve as the director of an overseas company to the Registrar of Companies must also submit a statement confirming that the overseas company's business activities will be largely outside the Cayman Islands. Companies to set up procedures may generally be completed within 24 hours.

The world's three largest offshore companies registered in a legal comparative study Serial 1

Currently Bermuda (Bermuda), Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands) and the British Virgin Islands (BVI - British Virgin Islands) is the world's largest number of business registration of the three offshore companies registered. In this article focuses on the Bermuda Companies Act 1981 (the "Bermuda Companies Act"), the Cayman Islands Companies Act 2000, revised edition (the "Cayman Islands Companies Law"), and the British Virgin Islands International Business Companies Act, 1984 ( referred to as "the British Virgin Islands Company Law"). This article refers to offshore companies Co., Ltd., a company that outline (Memorandum of Association) contains the standard terms of business scope of Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, an overseas company ( "Exempted Companies"), as well as the British Virgin Islands International virtual office Business Companies ( "International Business Company" or "IBC").

The approval of the establishment of offshore companies

(1) Bermuda. All overseas companies to issue or transfer of shares must be approved by the Bermuda Monetary Authority, the beneficiary must be open to the finance bureau status. Together with the application to submit all information (outline of the information contained in the company except for) is not open to the public. Some business activities may require permits or special authorization.

(2) British Virgin Islands. The formation of the company without government approval. However, some business activities may require permits or registration.
(3), the Cayman Islands. The formation of the company without government approval, but some business activities may require permits or registration.

Teng in the Heavy may be set up offshore companies for the acquisition of Hummer

Top 21 in Heavy Teng said the company is likely to establish an offshore investment company, to facilitate their acquisition of the Hummer brand, off-shore company's principal shareholders will be in Sichuan Province Tang, Xu-Guang Li, chairman of resources Yandeng will hold a minority interest.

According to China news agency reported July 22, Sichuan, China Tang in the top 21 Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd., said the company is likely to establish an offshore investment company, to facilitate their acquisition of GM's Hummer brand. virtual office Sichuan Teng announced intention to acquire a Hummer nearly 2 months, yet have made positive progress in Teng-Commerce and Development and Reform Commission has to submit the application documents, the relevant departments are still in this transaction for approval.

Reuters quoted Tang in the high-level condition of anonymity as saying, this offshore company's major shareholders will be the Sichuan Tang, the other has been considered to be controlled behind the scenes in Sichuan Province Tang's chairman Lee Yandeng Xuguang resources will be holds a minority stake.

Kyoko resources in Proton announced intention to acquire Hummer successfully listed in Hong Kong after being questioned, the financing market, "to buy horses," but the company has said it is interested in acquiring Hummer deal is its chairman, rather than the resource itself kyoko.

The executives also said that Proton is currently in heavy industry had not yet begun to establish procedures for the special purpose company, as the most important thing was that we must first wait until the completion of the transaction.

July 23, according to China news agency reported in the media report "Heavy Teng in the possible establishment of an offshore investment company, to facilitate their acquisition of GM's Hummer brand," the news of swirling speculation occasion, another media be exposed the acquisition news: Recently, Teng will be formally signed in Heavy Hummer merger agreement, offshore company Morgan Stanley will provide a full purchasing funds.

According to China's current rules, if the Chinese companies to build Hummer factory in China must be approved by Development and Reform Commission. If the Tang in China's domestic investors to purchase from the troubled American brand, but also must be approved by the Ministry of Commerce.

Prior to this, there is news that Proton may have been purchased Hummer off-shore, so do not need to be approved by Chinese Ministry of Commerce. At present, there are media reports that the Ministry of Commerce has been acquired Proton Hummer project a green light.

Before, the industry that because Hummer is a gas-guzzling cars, do not meet national energy-saving environmentally friendly theme of the acquisition of foreign companies not in line with the theme of domestic merger and reorganization, it received regulatory approval is unlikely. But the Commerce Department has previously said the acquisition of Proton Heavy interest in a normal and rational behavior. Can be seen in the acquisition of the Ministry of Commerce of the Proton Hummer is not opposed to their views.

Hummer recently in Tianjin in the research done in the steam tests show that: "Hummer H4 fuel oil in the 13 or so, less than the Land Rover." While the fuel consumption problem, it is precisely Development and Reform Commission can not be Hummer-made key issues.

It is reported that Teng in the Heavy and General Motors Hummer asset price negotiations because of disagreement, the time has finally signed a postponed repeatedly. 23, this well-informed sources revealed to the media once again, with General Motors, Proton will be 28 July to 5 August acquisition of the treaty signed between.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Virtual office" popular in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai

"virtual office" has been popular in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai

A new model of office rent "virtual office" has recently appeared in Chongqing, small business owners to start early, just to spend a small amount of rent, not only in high-grade office buildings where office rents set style, but also be able to enjoy lease provided by the Secretary of the , logistics and other services.

Reporters on the scene to see business people to come to an endless stream of leasing office space. Mr Tung came to consult tenant said he was doing building materials business, the company is fitting, on the site to see a "virtual office" is very suitable for him, and then signed a 3-month rental contract. "Such a short term can not be done in the traditional office here also provides receptionist, administrative secretarial services that can assist me in recruiting, very convenient." Mr Tung said.

According to industry insiders, from the opening to the present, the company has been contracted assigned to 13, most of the company's IT business professionals.


Savings of 4,000 yuan per month rent

Mr Tung introduced renters, he leased a "virtual office" savings of 4,000 yuan a month. Such as in the vicinity of Longhu, leasing more than 50 square meters for offices offices a half a year Term 800 monthly rent, property management charge 2.5 yuan / square meter, utilities 100 yuan / month, plus housing decoration, hiring and other expenses, The average monthly office expenses in 6000 yuan, while assigned to a "virtual office" monthly rent, they only need 1,100 yuan / month.

Rental income 40,000 yuan of annual

Forget pen industry accounts, offshore company and she bought this Scriptorium If you press general office rent, monthly rent at 1200 yuan, but by modification of the Scriptorium converted into six separate offices, because it is their own room, can be avoided rent, investment 85000 and press the "virtual office" rental, monthly income can be 6,600 yuan, excluding the monthly mobile expenditure of 2130 yuan, 3270 yuan monthly income of a year with income of 39.24 thousand yuan, the annual yield of 45% or so.


Virtual office "Money King" attractive

"Non-public enterprises and individual industrial and commercial city with more than 50 million households, and now new registrations each year tens of thousands of individual small companies, households, are 'virtual office' potential customers." Ping Deng Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences researcher, said, "the virtual office "It's like an incubator for small business owners who spend very little per month rent will be able to allow the company up and running. In Shanghai and other places, a "virtual office" place every year, more than 10 companies hatching success.

A housing intermediary companies in Chongqing Mr. Qin introduced this new model of housing rental "money scene" Yes, the city more than small companies, a "virtual office" in addition to the company's temporary office space as, some foreign companies in Chongqing and sending institutions, short-term business of foreign officers Lai Yu will love this convenient and flexible in the way of office. City Industry and Commerce departments related to the person in charge, a "virtual office" is actually a rental relationship, but offer a "virtual office" company, you must be registered to the business sector.


"Virtual office" originated in Japan, its mode of operation is based on office rental at the core of the "office outsourcing" services, including providing office space for lease, office furniture, filing cabinets, reception room, collecting mail, fax, on behalf of the to answer the phone and other services. The world's largest "virtual office" provider Regus Group United Kingdom, its network covers 60 countries, with 750 business center.

In China, a "virtual office" has been popular in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, but also has formed a chain operation, due to competition, and Shanghai is now a "virtual office" from the monthly rent of 1,000 yuan down to 500 odd dollars.

Rent a "Virtual Office" do something really fruitful

As long as a month to pay several hundred dollars, there is his "office": someone to help you answer the phone, send and receive e-mail letters, handling matters, significant savings in a high office rents. Nowadays, in some operational difficulties faced by SMEs when the lease was to promote this kind of "offshore company" to save operating costs.

280 stationed in high-grade office building

The reporter called Guangzhou, a specialized leasing company, the company's customer service said that pay 280 yuan a month can get Dongfeng Road West, the address of a high-grade office buildings, and enjoy free pick-phone service; If the customer needs to receive mail and letters, then the 180 surcharge; if at the same time apply for the above-mentioned two kinds of service, only charges 380. In addition, if there is no need to lease space, leasing party rental party can receive visitors for free.

For the customer's special requirements, in addition to answer the call, send and receive letters and visitor reception, in general, the business also offers rental of conference rooms, Internet access, visitor reception and other additional services. "Every 1 hour use of the 18 square meter meeting room (can accommodate 8 to 10 people) 100 yuan, exceeding the time as 80 yuan / hour cost of the other terms of service" Guangzhou advertising a business center writes.

This reporter learned that, in the CITIC Plaza, Tianhe Bei Road, Dongfeng Road West, and other places, have this kind of virtual office rental. Some commercial companies, has a "virtual office" to do business in Hong Kong, Macao and overseas and other places, but the "charges are higher."

Help enhance corporate reputation

A company's customer service business, said a number of companies in the field offices, or some small businesses will use this form to register a virtual office to run, "so that you can print the address of the lease to your business cards, have a lot in the downtown office address, or Hong Kong and Macao, the customer would be more at ease. "engaged in lighting business, Miss Cai said," many companies in Hong Kong and other rent such a virtual office, on the one hand in order to enhance corporate reputation, a could save operating costs, but also be able to enjoy Hong Kong's tax-free or low-tax policy. "a company incorporated in Hong Kong is relatively easy operation procedures and processes are relatively simple, can enjoy some tax concessions."

It is understood that a family of virtual office primarily for SOHO or personal use. In addition to providing a "virtual service office", the present business center of the bulk of these foreign companies is to provide "service office." Teem Tower is located in the REGUS, 1995 entered China in the domestic serviced office considerable influence, more than 80% of its business center for foreign companies to hire, GOOGLE-plus employees in Guangzhou every day in this work. More domestic enterprises to use this serviced office industry for the financial, consulting, IT industry, so as to intelligence-intensive industry, mostly.

Most people do not know the legality of

No staff, only one office address, in such a way reliable? Office rent to a company engaged in customer service said the virtual office of the registered address are legitimate, but "only to answer the call and receive mail, Trade and Industry Bureau will not check," and "but you can not use that address to the registration of Trade and Industry Bureau." Reporter interviewed a number of business people, the majority of the legality of virtual offices is unclear. A rented virtual office, Mr Lee said that many of his friends to do so, they would follow suit, but the legality is unclear.

Counsel claim form to allow the virtual office

Canton-An Road, Fu Yong-Hua law firm lawyers said that if the lessor has a legitimate real estate license, the office has right of disposition, leasing enterprise is not engaged in fraudulent behavior, in the form of such a virtual office is permitted. However, renting side need to be reminded that, attention is paid to lease to produce the relevant documents, and sign a good contract and the lessor. Haizhu District, a business reporter called by, the Institute say "As long as no one there to operate does not give the company apply for annual review."

However, there are business people said that even legal, but also to prevent some small businesses as a means of Huyou customers. Lighting Company's Miss Tsai also reminded everyone that "Some customers claimed that they have all over the country and overseas factories, but also has its own address, telephone number, etc., but these are virtual, there is no real offices, to prevent fooled deceived. "

Virtual Office

"Virtual Office" is the early days of freelance and small company's services, the "Virtual Office" is only one address, but not the actual office. Customers who pay several hundred dollars a month fee, get a fixed contact address and have someone help you the identity of the customer switching phone, receive information and records and other important matters.

Virtual Office in Shanghai quietly popular

The so-called "virtual office", the simple principle is: rented office space, divided into a smaller area of a public spaces rented to customers, merely to set a telephone, arranging on behalf of operators to answer customer calls, or to bind directly to the calls to the customer's own phones.

This virtual office is becoming so popular Shanghai, offshore company the main customers are some of these services for SMEs and entrepreneurs, there are some SOHO family. In peacetime, they are generally at home, office, and only when necessary, only appeared in the virtual office. Some of the original tenants in the suburbs have their own office space, the leasing virtual office, only to the "headquarters" located in the city's central area will be the address printed on the company's business cards, appears to be very panache.

Virtual office, modern office, "part-time Room" #3

Entity's Office will not disappear

The advantages of virtual office may seem obvious, by the U.S. "Fortune" magazine's top 500 enterprises of the Point B Company, has 250 employees, the office number is 0, the company's overall virtualization. But no matter how the virtual office like gangbusters, it still can not offshore company completely replace the traditional office.

Zhijun with reporters that one day business has grown, he will rent office of a formal entity. "I think more suitable for engaging in a virtual office IT, and communications, making our trip is dealing with people, corporate culture, pay attention to a team cohesion, the absence of face to face communication and communication between employees will be alienated. While no all day long to stay in office, but there is a fixed place of work for meetings, communication and meetings are necessary. rent a conference room talk business with clients is not a long-term solution, if one day they come to us wanting customer whim flutter empty, I thought this was a family night company. "

Meanwhile, the bosses do not trust the staff's attitude is also a fatal problem. European well-known management guru Charles Handy ? In its best-selling book "Awakening era," where the example of an example: I have met a reporter in Atlanta, we talk to her cluttered desk, which is a capacity of 200 people Large office, typing sound, voice chat, telephone voices, voice loud and smoky. I said: "This is not a good working environment, you are not at home to work? At least there should be a part-time at home Ganhuo, right?" A bit of sadness in her smile, said: "I've never been so. If I work from home, is not only more quiet, and can be saved commuting time, so that I can do it much better than it is now. "I asked:" Why do not you do that? "" They refused. "She pointed to the back office at the end of large windows boss said, "They like me to stay visible in their fields."

Virtual office, modern office, "part-time Room" #2

Wendy for the first time into the next to Xintiandi's "Corporate Avenue Center," 15 floor business center, it was decided rented a one-man-office rooms. She came from Hong Kong, two months ago, the headquarters decided to open up the mainland market, the offshore company Wendy sent to Shanghai to make early preparations. "This is a local company with a crowding together of the place where the image of Ye Hao rent. Now my office a person, Class A office space seldom letting such a small office. I rented here, no decoration, buy fax machines, hired office staff, carrying a laptop computer and briefcase enough, the other thing all the packets of the business center. "

"virtual office more suitable for early stage businesses. For example, when the multinational companies want to explore off-site market, if you choose a traditional office space as office space, front to do a lot of things very cumbersome. There is another situation, the company headquarters overseas, want to have a base in Shanghai, closer relationships with customers, you can rent a separate single room, or office just a few hours a week, or even just to buy E-mail, telephone answering service. this beautiful address on business cards, promotional materials and web sites will be enriched by a lot of the enterprise. "Hu Mao said.

More and more Chinese companies going global has chosen this form, their prices abroad, but Cuntucunjin office. If a Shanghai businessman interested in the European development, the virtual office address can be placed in the local Regus center, he has his own independent local telephone number. When someone call dial this number when the phone recognition system with the help of a switchboard operator can precisely: "Hello, here is a certain company." And then calls to the Shanghai merchant, a fixed telephone or mobile phone .

To save money is not the biggest selling point

Hu Mao told reporters, rental of virtual offices is indeed low-cost, high speed, generally within a few days we will have business addresses. In fact, "flexibility is the biggest advantage."

Office space leases generally require at least a year, if the lease period of unauthorized discharge or breach of contract, breach of contract, confiscation of all property owners will deposit, and sometimes the tenant needs to bear the economic compensation. Several reporters asked about the provision of virtual office services in Shanghai companies found that they are very flexible lease period, which can be a month or a few days or even hours, according to the number of customers free of charge. "The meeting rooms, training rooms in accordance with hours, half day and full-day rental, each 1 hour use of the 18 square meter meeting room charges 100 yuan, exceeding the time as 80 yuan / hour cost of the other terms." Lease on behalf of a business center Mr. Ma on the phone told reporters.

Wendy felt as the business expanded to our new colleagues will be recruited during the year, when the time would be insufficient single office, but she does not worry. "Lease area of flexibility, and business center will be replaced at any time the office of various sizes. But if we change the traditional office rental space, there will be many constraints, but also less flexibility in scheduling."

"Some companies have staff looking for a new space to accommodate expansion of temporary employees, or relocation to new office location in the extension of the delivery issues, it would temporary residence in some offices, and will not affect the normal operation of the company. In addition, some companies in order to short-term projects need to rent a few months after the completion of it will leave. "Mr. Ma told reporters.

Virtual office, modern office, "part-time Room" #1

Zhijun his wife opened an advertising company, started business at hand is inevitable tension, can only do SOHO owners. Soon, Zhijun received a business, the other side interviews. Zhijun is very difficult, if at home to meet each other to see he did not even decent offices are not, this business is afraid to bathing. As a result, Zhijun Pianxiang virtual office for help. Two days later, he is about to Xujiahui CBD customers a certain business center. Of well-trained beauty secretary to bring customers to Zhijun temporary rented office, the two sides talked very thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Customer until the left, was not aware of this fully equipped office but Zhijun open "part-time room."

The very fact that textile mills opened in Jiaxing, offshore company most customers in Shanghai, she always wanted to find an office in Shanghai. But the center's office at least monthly rent of 6,000 yuan or more, she has not resolved, then the friends rented a Caojiadu under the virtual office, is now only a few hundred dollars a month, it settled with the customer contact problem, but do not have to buy office equipment.

To spend much money to be able to have a stylish and efficient office, you can at any time come and entertain important clients enjoy the hand switching phone, send and receive mail and other services. Right now, the prime locations in Shanghai, high-grade office buildings, hidden in a secret inter-office, which is in Europe and the United States called virtual officee virtual office.

Advance force of transnational corporations

"Virtual Office has stirred up a new trend of business to change people's ways of working. It is very popular in foreign countries, the domestic right of this concept is relatively unknown, our customers for more than Qicheng foreign companies, not individuals to rent more. "the world's largest virtual office service provider Regus Group senior vice president of Greater China Hu Mao told reporters.

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